Tu Bishvat and MLK Youth Day of Action. Some area schools have the day off - kids in Kindergarten-7th grade are invited to Sinai Temple for a day of activities related to Tu Bishvat and MLK. Activities will include a Tu Bishvat Seder, paper making, social action projects, learning about Martin Luther King Jr., etc.
Cost is $30 per kid if enrolled in Sinai Temple Religious School, $40 per kid not enrolled. Drop off at 9:00 at Sinai Temple, pick up at 4:30. Depending on need, we may be able to open for early drop off/later pick up. Payment is due by the day of the program. Please RSVP to Rabbi Jody at educator@sinaitemplecu.org by January 15. There will be a limited number of spaces. More details will be sent upon RSVP receipt or send Rabbi Jody a message if you have questions.