
12 2023

Jewish Voice for inclusion LGBTQ in Jewish communities' -Virtual Event

11:00AM - 1:00PM  

כל המציל נפש אחת, כאילו הציל עולם שלם"
"Whoever saves one soul, it is as if he saved an entire world"

Join us for a Global virtual event that will shed light on the lives of Jewish LGBTQ members and organizations in their communities.   

January 12, 2023, 7:00 pm Israel time/12:00pm EST on ZOOM. Link will be shared upon registration here.

The Global Jewish LGBTQ partnership provides opportunities for pooling of resources, learning and collaborative effort based on common values and goals shared by Jewish LGBTQ organizations from all over the world. Above all, it invites a global conversation among Jews of different backgrounds.


Register here