
6 2022

Communal Story Slam on Loss - in honor of Tisha b'Av

6:30PM - 8:00PM  

25 O'Clock Brewing Company
Please sign up to share a story, poem, song, or other piece of art on the theme of loss: 208 W Griggs St,
Urbana, IL 61801

Contact Heather Paul

Our world has witnessed countless losses over the last two and a half years. Join the CU community and Illini Hillel to honor personal and collective loss through a story slam on the evening of Saturday, August 6th. This event also honors Tisha b’Av, a Jewish day of mourning for communal loss that takes place on the 9th of the Hebrew month of Av.
We will be starting at 6:30pm at 25 O'Clock Brewing Company. This event is 18+

Sign up here to share a story (no longer than 5 minutes) on the theme of LOSS:

We encourage you to consider “story” and “loss” broadly - death is one kind of loss, and words tell one kind of story. Loss-themed art of any kind is welcome. We are looking forward to story-sharing, wit(h)nessing, and gathering in community to honor our collective losses.

This event represents a partnership between
Heather Paul, Ritual Artis, Grief Guide, Senior Jewish Educator/Student Rabbi for Illini Hillel
Melanie Sheckels, RN, Death and Grief Doula, Educator and Facilitator at Threshold Doula,
and Debra Joy Hart, RN, Grief Coach, Certified Thanatologist, Death and Bereavement Educator, and Certified Humor Professional.

Sponsor: Illini Hillel, 25 O'Clock Brewing Company