Minority Groups and the Israel Peculiarity
Monday, May 14thth
1:00 - 2:00 PM CST on Zoom
The State of Israel is democratic and liberal that also serves as the nation-state of the Jewish people. The social and legal challenges posed by this duality regarding the identity of the state are numerous and complex.
This lecture will address these challenges from a socio-legal perspective, allowing for an in-depth examination of them, with an emphasis on the need to protect the right to equality for various minority groups in the national state. The lecture will also present a critique of the State of Israel's limited endeavors in dealing with these challenges successfully.
This event is on zoom - https://illinois.zoom.us/j/
For more information please contact
Eugene M. Avrutin (Director, PJCS, eavrutin@illinois.edu)
Tania Ionin (Liguistics & Faculty Affiliate PJCS, tionin@illinois.edu)