May 14th, 2024 : 6 IYar, 5784
3104 Windsor Road, Champaign IL
5:00 - 8:00 PM
Join our community for a day of celebration and fun! We thank our partners Sinai Temple, Illini Hillel, and Illini Chabad. This year, we will be celebrating Yom Ha'azmaut, Israeli Independance Day, with the C-U Shuk. This will include lots of crafts, interactive educational experiences, and active sports like running with Run For Their Lives and Gaga in the Gaga pit!
There will be a KOSHER Felafel Bar provided by Illini Chabad, but you are also welcome to bring your own food and picnic with your friends.
Security will be present.
Visit The Yom Ha'azmaut Webpage for more information!