On August 21st from 12:00 - 1:30 PM at Sinai Temple, CHAI Seniors will be having a luncheon with special guest and CHAI Seniors member William Gingold come and talk about his experience of surviving the Holocaust asa child and how his family rebuilt after. From the Warsaw Ghetto, to the Siberian work camps, to Ellis Island, this won't be a story you are easily able to forget.
The Gingold family story is also domented in the book Tunnel, Smuggle, and Collect - A Holocaust Boy's Story by Bill's nephew Jeffrey Gingold.
The Chai Seniors Program is coordinated by CUJF and funded by the Goldberg-Gordon-Yairi Fund and the Libby and Harry Miller Memorial Fund which are managed by the Champaign Urbana Jewish Endowment Foundation.
RSVP at cujf.org/rsvp-chai